Beaufort Court House

Photographs by Andrew Curtis.

Photographs by Andrew Curtis.

Photographs by Andrew Curtis.

We acknowledge that the Beaufort Court House is situated on the land of the Wadawurrung People and that the building’s history is inextricably tied to the area’s history of colonisation and dispossession. The building is situated on land that is viewed as Crown Land by the State and unceded Country by the Wadawurrung. For the Wadawurrung, colonisation had a devastating impact on all aspects of their life including culture, language and traditions. While much of the consequences of this history are still being felt, the ongoing work of the Wadawurrung People is a testament to the cultural strength and resilience that has aided their survival. We intend to confront the reality of colonisation and make genuine steps towards reconciliation.
The Property
Constructed in 1864, the Beaufort Court House operated until the 1980s and heard minor criminal cases, it functioned as a County Court, and as a Court of Mines which was responsible for hearing mining disputes for the region.
We were appointed property manager in 2006, undertaking extensive works to revitalise the building to assist with its continued community use.
Current Use
The Beaufort Court House has been home to the Beaufort Historical Society since the court closed in 1982.
Visiting the Property
Beaufort Court House is regularly open to the public for access to the historical society’s extensive collection. Please contact the Historical Society directly if you would like to access their archive or visit the site.